Egenolf Early Childhood Center

Maritza Palestrant

Maritza Palestrant


Job Description:

“I educate and nurture three to four year-olds in strengthening and developing their social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills.”

What do I do?

“I create a safe learning environment where children are taught based on their interests. Lesson plans are geared towards the child’s interests and modified to meet each child where they are in the developmental stages mentioned above. Children also learn through play. Here they learn the basic principles such as shapes, colors, letters and number as well as key developmental factors such as sharing, taking turns, verbal expressions, self-regulation and empathy. I also create strong relationships with parents so that the learning that takes place in the classroom is reflected in their home environment.”

When did you start at Egenolf?

January 2019

What makes Egenolf so special?

“Egenolf is an exceptional school that provides a high quality preschool program for the city of Elizabeth. We take pride in our roles as educators and have very supportive staff members.”

Something people probably don’t know about me.

“I love to sing while I clean. But on a more serious note, people don’t know that I became an educator because I wanted to become a voice for the children who often don’t have one.”

Maritza Palestrant