Egenolf Early Childhood Center

Hugo Potes

Hugo Potes

Homeroom Teacher

Job Description:

“I develop a careful and creative program in areas such as language, natural sciences, social sciences, mathematics and arts suitable for preschool-age children.”

What I do?

“Based on a High-Scope Program I develop an active educational process with children, which uses the play as an important way for acquisition of new knowledge. By exploring and exchanging ideas and concepts with teachers, children learn immersed in a friendly and safe environment. The program also includes techniques of observation and stimulation of the social development and self-esteem of children.”

When did you start at Egenolf?

July 2007

What makes Egenolf so special?

“There are many reasons that make Egenolf ECC so special: The strong reputation that Egenolf ECC has in our community, the warm and comforting environment, the passionate group of teachers and staff, and also its active learning method, and its child-friendly facilities.”

What is something people probably don’t know about you?

“Although I love teaching all areas, personally I am very interested in literature and mathematics; and of course, I take the opportunity to transmit to my students my passion for discovering and learning them.”

Hugo Potes