Egenolf Early Childhood Center

Isabel Salazar

Isabel Salazar

Family Worker

Job Description:

“I act as the direct liaison between the center and the child’s home. I provide mentoring, encouragement and assistance to families through regular personal and telephone contact. I assist the classroom staff in maintaining consistent communication with families.”

What I Do:

“As the family worker, I visit my assigned classrooms and observe behaviors, improvements, and concerns. If there is anything the teacher needs to communicate to the parent, I will resolve the issue. Additionally, I participate in classroom activities and events, lend a hand in the classrooms, and maintain children's files and payments in the office.”

When did you start at Egenolf:

“I began working at Egenolf in October 2022 as part of the before care staff. In January 2023, I began as a full time family worker.”

What makes Egenolf so special?

“I believe the Egenolf staff deeply cares for the wellbeing of our children. Our teachers and director always advocate for the rights and the proper services our students need.”

What is something people probably don’t know about you?

“In my downtime, I enjoy reading and drawing.”

Isabel Salazar